
Sunday, September 20, 2015

New Beginning

My husband, holding Miss N as Grace (her twin) sang New Beginning

'New Beginning' had us all in tears! Grace wrote this song early in the year about her father's health struggles, which have greatly effected all our family. During Tuesday's TAFE concert she sang all four of her originals but it was her heart felt introduction and angelic delivery of New Beginning which touched everyone present.

Early Tuesday morning by the river

Thursday's Hail stones, looking like clover flowers.

Rainbow Lorikeet in the Bottlebrush, taken from our back door this afternoon

Our neighbour's Macadamia nut tree in flower

Spring has begun with a mix of sunshine, cool days, rain and even hail! Better than heat and bushfires. I've made good progress on my Moody Blues quilt too - but more about that soon. For now I'm just reflecting on life's journey and appreciating the potential of many a New Beginning.


  1. The Spring always has that feel of new life and a new beginning. How confident your children are and talented as well. Your daughter's tribute to her father must have brought a lump to the throat of everyone listening. Hope his return to health continues to make good progress. Enjoy the week ahead Karen.

  2. Even living in paradise has sometimes it heavy moments but you must have very talented kids and I indeed hope that it is a new beginning.

  3. Singing can be emotional.


  4. Your photo captures the emotion of the moment. Good timing with your husbands improving health too. Lovely photos, Mother Nature is a very complex woman!

  5. Dear Karen ~ This is a lovely post and I am so glad your husband's health is improving. I know your daughter's singing her song would have had tears streaming for me.

    Love and hugs to you and your loving family ~ FlowerLady

  6. What a special, heartfelt, heartwarming & memorable evening you all,have just experienced.

  7. I just love to hear good news from your world!! And the change of seasons always make for wonderful photos from you!! Will New Beginnings be on Gracie's youtube channel? :)

  8. How wonderful that Gracie sang for her father. Glad to hear his health is improving.

  9. A lovely post of new beginnings, Karen. It must be magical and touching to watch/hear your daughter perform her original pieces. Good Luck to all of you!

  10. What a beautiful post this is, Karen, and what a precious daughter you have.

    P.S. Sure wish I had a macadamia nut tree in my yard!!! :-)

  11. Thanks Lisa. The macadamia nut tree is in our neighbour's yard but overhangs ours. I do love collecting those which fall on our side - although they sure can be a hazard when mowing lawns. Unfortunately Master T (newly 16) is highly allergic to them, only needing to touch the empty shells to have a reaction.

  12. How lovely that each of your children are enjoying their talents and hence uplifting others' lives. How wonderful your husband is on the improve. Your family's journey throughout his illness is one that will tell many a heartfelt narrative.

  13. What a touching post! A precious gift from daughter to father!!

  14. What a heartwarming post! Gracie is certainly a talented young lady!

  15. Yes, My dear Karen.... It's a wonderful song of freedom! I like it so much. And a lovely Post again.

    We have now autumn here in Bavaria. And in Munich the Octoberfest...

    Cheers, Heidrun

  16. Such a beautiful story of your daughter's song, and how wonderful that your husband was there to hear it!


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