
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Colourful Autumn

The days come and go so quickly, filled with multiple demands and delights. I grab my camera here and there to snatch a still moment and capture life's fleeting details.

A handmade Mother's Day card (by Miss O), lustrous silks, vivid fabrics - beautiful colours to rest my eyes on, even on days too full to sit and sew. The only deciduous tree in the park is showing the beginnings of autumn foliage while a lonesome magnolia clings to the last of summer's flowers while growing new buds for next spring. 

Bromeliads in the garden amaze me with their riot of colours - the stigmas remind me of egg whisks. A special guest surprised us with a beautiful basket filled with fruit, a very welcome gift. Sunset walks are a rare treat during these busy weeks yet the sky holds wonderful colours these evenings which I pause to savour from wherever I find myself.

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday.


  1. Que lindas fotos e desenhos.Adorei ver o da árvore, desenhando no tronco! Bela ideia! Na natureza tudo fica mais lindo! bjs, chica

  2. And the colours in the test tubes of the science experiment too! Lovely photos as always Karen! You have a very astute and artistic eye!

  3. Such a beautiful autumn happy to see me at home. Unfortunately, this is different and I admire yours. There are beautiful flowers, delicious fruit. Beautiful thread got from my daughter and I see that they are using now. I greet the spring, but the cold Polish.

  4. Gorgeous photos from your world, Karen. Glad you can take some time to snap some photos.

  5. A peaceful blogpost. You have a way with words Karen and capturing beautiful moments with photos. The sunset last night was extra special. I didn't get to capture it as I was helping our eldest son deliver junk mail. I savoured the beauty of the sunset. Julia xx

  6. Wonderful photos that are so rich with color and details.

  7. Gorgeous stills that are filled with peace and beauty!

  8. Your posts are always full of so much variety and colour as you journal your days, Karen.
    I was going to ask you on Instagram if one of your children had made the card. It's gorgeous!!
    You are incredibly blessed to have a garden bursting with so much colour.
    I love seeing your creative tasks unfold; your fabrics and threads are lovely!

  9. Like Liz said, great variety here! I really like that last photo with the great depth of field and the lights that trail on to infinity!

  10. All your colours are a treat to the eyes.

  11. Lovely colours and pretty shots.

  12. I LOVE that picture with the tree and the leaves...amazing.

  13. Such a gorgeous Mother's Day card!! The colors that surround you in your garden and your craft are breathtaking!

  14. You say, "on days too full to sit and sew". I have days like that exactly. I love your colors and your savorings.
    Blessings to you Karen.


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