
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sunshine and Colour

A smokey haze combines with fog in the early mornings, giving way to warm and colourful late autumn days, perfect for time outdoors. We've not had our usual summer rains so preventative controlled burning is underway ahead of our traditionally dry winter days. 

Miss E decided to venture from her bike and scooter to her older brother's RipStik (caster board) last Wednesday. However she landed hard on the cement, hand first, resulting in the pain and swelling of a possible fracture around the elbow which couldn't be decided either way by X-rays. The precautionary back/half cast will be removed tomorrow for further assessment. I must say she has been rather bored as her outdoor activities are somewhat restricted at the moment. This may prove to be a lesson in exercising greater caution - she really doesn't want to have to wear a full cast or for any more than a few days - the novelty factor was very short lived.

The re-quilting of Peaceful Night is now complete and the binding almost finished. A task well worth attending to, more details soon. For now I will soak up some more sunshine amongst the flowers while collecting the air-drying washing.....

Update: Miss E's cast was removed on Wednesday 25th and it seems there most probably is no break. Swelling and bruising remains around the elbow but if all goes well she will need no further treatment :). She is very keen to try riding her brother's RipStik/casterbaord, but I ma insisting she wait a week, at least.


  1. Muito lindas as fotos e pena a Miss ter machucado o braço.Mas isso acontece! Crianças sempre aprontam! Melhoras! bjs, chica

  2. Poor Miss E. I hope she doesn't have to keep the cast on too long. Enjoy your warm sunny days as I sense they will be coming to an end soon.

  3. Love your work, especially photo #1.

  4. Get well soon Miss E .... Hope the very best for her!

  5. It really is a beautiful time of year. Our weather is gorgeous here at the moment, and I'm finally welcoming some cooler temperatures! I hope the news is good for Miss E.

  6. Hope Miss E is better soon! Our DS#2 recently broke his wrist whilst playing touch football at Port Macquarie and did not enjoy having the cast on as we would not let him drive:(

  7. We all have learned some lessons the hard way and hopefully prevent us from worser ones. Your first photo is a real beauty atmospheric one. I like it.

  8. Lovely photo’s Karen! Stay warm... ;-)

  9. Thanks Marijke - you too. This morning was a little chilly at 3.6C, we had a heater on for the first time this year. Winter is coming....

  10. Poor little one. Hope it mends quickly without problems. Te quilt is looking good. The weather is beautiful these days

  11. Miss E is such a smiling trooper! I hope her sling has come off and she is doing fine. I am looking forward to seeing your beautiful finished Peaceful Night quilt!

  12. Lovely photos. They make me smile!!

  13. beautiful images. I'm sorry about the big boo-boo

  14. Beautiful photos as always. I hope your daughter's hand is mend quickly. It's nice to see it hasn't stopped her getting on and enjoying things.


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