
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Always Changes

Enjoying the sunshine and also the rain which has been a wonderful blessing after our long dry summer. All around town the lawns and trees are beautiful shades of green with the occasional show of autumn tones on the few deciduous trees. The camellias are bursting into flower, as they do here each winter, having endured summer, protected on the shady southern sides of homes. There is a pleasant satisfaction as I admire the pristine petals of the white camellias I planted several years ago. Also rewarding us well is our lemon tree which is younger than our camellias. I don't think I've picked a lemon as large as this one today. 

Homeschooling, sport, visiting the library (yes that's Miss E and Miss E on the banner in the foyer), annual homeschool sports day, having Master J home for a few days and stitching more hexie flowers as the days quickly turn into weeks. More changes ahead as Miss N finishes work this week and prepares to move to the Sydney for the next chapter of her life journey. We all have mixed feelings as each new season brings challenges and great opportunities - choosing gratefulness and optimism. 


  1. Your life is so full and I admire your energy and enthusiasm for the world around you. enjoy each day as it comes.

  2. Or it is indeed a very big lemon or the pans are really very small. Can't decide here. But very nice plants again. I like it.

  3. The lemon is sitting with some cup measures SC, the largest is a one cup measure - large but not huge.

  4. So great to read another newsy post from you and to see your wonderful photos of family and your life.

    I really liked this statement ~ "each new season brings challenges and great opportunities - choosing gratefulness and optimism."

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

  5. Que lindo.Karen! Vim avisar que usei uma imagem tua, num texto que acaba de entrar .Podes ver aqui:

    Obrigadão,bjs, chica

  6. I so truly enjoy coming here to visit you, Karen.
    Indeed, life is all about changes, and i wish everyone the very, very best, as these changes happen.
    Have a wonderful week, my friend!

  7. Choosing gratefulness and optimism - such a fine attitude for us all to follow.

  8. Ah yes, we see the changes in nature as well as our own lives. Love your series of images, and yes, that is a big lemon. Love the mushroom shot, I can never get down low enough to capture it as well as you have done.

  9. Sparkling photos of your fall, Karen. Change comes to us all - looking forward toward opportunity seems a good choice.

  10. It must be hard for you when your babies are leaving the nest for far away places. I'm sure you have prepared them well for their future lives. Wow models on the library banner. Lots of home schooled kids in your area.

  11. It's always a great pleasure to read your post, to see the wonderful childhood and your work.
    Wish you all the best on your way!

  12. Don't ask me to choose my favorite photo. Can't do it! Lovely words too.
    In regard to Miss N moving...
    "Love bears all things, believes all things, trusts all things, and endures all things".
    I am discovering thankfulness and optimism in all things too.

  13. Gosh Karen, your photos are a joy to behold!! Truly beautiful.

  14. Another great sequence of beautiful photos!
    Great work, Karen!
    A big kiss

  15. Enjoying all these those raindrops.


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