
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Ordinary Lovely

I love how a photo can capture joy, beauty or particular moments in time with their associated emotions and memories. Here are some of the ordinary lovely moments of the last week or so, ending with a 'golden oldie'.

Yesterday we were visiting some new friends who live out of town when this Red-necked wallaby with her joey hopped by to leisurely graze on their front lawn. Wallabies are similar to kangaroos but much smaller. Our friends pointed out how the wallaby's pouch is at the perfect height for her joey to graze while the mother is also.
Our neighbour's zygocactus is a beautiful sight as the afternoon light catches the many blooms. It grows outdoors all year round, in a hanging basket under their macadamia tree just over our back fence, looking rather plain - until it flowers!
Now that the weather has cooled down it's much more pleasant working in the garden. Master T (16) has chopped down some small trees, breaking two brand new wooden handles axes in the process. The third axe bought this week (after receiving refunds) had a fibreglass handle and stood up to the job at hand, however the effort required appears to have been greater than anticipated, judging by the sign which appeared on the fence! 
Miss E (8) cleaned out her garden bed and sowed fresh seeds, labeling each area with a marker stone. I had to laugh when I discovered the label above. She later showed me the seed packet - 'Mesembryanthemum', yes, I guess they deserve the marker she gave them.  :)

A ruffled pansy on the back deck, a neighbourhood hedge scene, early morning calm on the river after a hot winter's day (30C/86F - crazy), a few more hand sewn hexie flowers for my long term quilt project. Last but not least is a family favourite, taken in October 2008 as Miss E reached out to her older sister's new baby doll - the similarity in their profiles is striking and so cute! Yes, I DO love the wonders of ordinary lovely days and photos....


  1. Your post made me smile. I even had to share with my husband and 9 year old grandson. You make me want to slow down & look through my camera more. Heck, even slowing down & just looking with my eyes.

  2. That’s lovely to hear Christine! My camera helps me see things in a new way and in turn, increases my appreciation of what I live and see. There is so much in everyday life to be grateful for.

  3. I'm a quilter, married to an Aussie here in America. I loved the wallaby photos! Of course, we don't get wallabies in the yard, but we do get loads of white tailed deer and the occasional black bear! Thanks for your wonderfully written and photographed blog.

  4. I don't forget your blog...
    ...and enjoyed again this Post!

    Wish you and your Family a very good time.

  5. I never knew Wallabies were different to Kangaroos. You learn something new every day :) I love your photo's especially the last one ... Have a lovely week Leah.

  6. You are really a wonderful photographer...bringing me laughter and peace

    Thank you

  7. The ordinary days are really the very, very best.

    I just love the last photograph here, Karen. One of those absolutely priceless moments.

    Wishing you a week filled with wonderfully ordinary days, my friend.

  8. Each photo made me smile. Yes joy is all around.

  9. Your post put a big grin on my face, thanks!

  10. What a marvelous mother-and-joey photo! You couldn't have caught a more heart-tugging pose. :D And that fence and hedge ensemble - very striking.

  11. I do love your photos and the words that accompany them. Lovely, all of them. It makes me realise that I don't pull out my camera very often these days.

  12. Great shots and all wonderful subjects, think my favourite was the plant marker but that hedge! Incredible, I've never seen one that waves up and down before!

  13. The Wallaby with the baby is absolutely precious.

  14. I was thinking that the last pic so reminded me of Miss E as a baby, smiled to see my memory of her was intact :-)

  15. Somuch to love in all those photos. Thanks for sharing the beauty.

  16. Lovely captures of everyday beauty. This quote comes to mind:
    "We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone." Very apt for your last shot which is so cute.

  17. Me too! (loving the ordinary days and photos, that is)

    I wish I could watch wallabys graze on your neighbor's front lawn.


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