
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Time Marches On

We took a trip down to the seaside village yesterday, for my mother-in-love needed to collect some winter clothes (yes, it's winter here already). The wall calendars may be two or even three years out of date, yet she still loved spoiling her grandchildren with a fresh takeaway fish and chips for lunch. Some of the grandchildren had not been back to the house since both grandparents (grandfather passed on three years ago) moved into aged care in our town over three years ago.

Stepping back in time, yet moving forward, always with much to be grateful for. Being low tide at the bay, the Light-blue Soldier Crabs were scurrying around in their thousands, unless you came too close, in which case they quickly buried themselves. The Rainbow Lorikeets were happily enjoying the nectar from the Grevillea 'Honey Gem'. The banksia tree along the path holds it large seed heads high. The children/grandchildren mark the changes and have a fresh desire to return for a holiday and linger longer where they once played often. I think all of us may be ready to anticipate a new season of holidays in old familiar places.

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday.


  1. O que dizer? Maravilhosas tuas fotos e momentos! Belos cliques! beijos tudo de bom,chica

  2. What a nice day for everyone, Karen!
    You captured that Lorikeet so beautifully. Their colors are amazing.

  3. Thank you Karen for sharing this delightful series of shots capturing a special outing for you and your family. Those crabs are amazing! Blessings to you and yours for the coming week.

  4. great post...I thought those crabs were fake at first...amazing

  5. A few of nature's wonders. Thanks for showing us.

  6. So very interesting to see these Soldier crabs marching on the's amazing. I can imagine you and your family want to go back there for a holiday
    nature is beautiful over there. Love those colourful lorrikeets and the exotic plants.
    Have a great new week!

  7. You HAVE to make a quilt with those crabs! Either the crabs or that amazing bird! Lovely photos, as always. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Such a wonderful thing to read before blue crabs behavior.

  9. Love the crab shots - they;re cool

  10. Wow - you got some really incredible shots of the crabs and the lorikeet. Looks like this was a very nice day. :)

  11. Oh Karen, How beautiful. And I must say poignant too are your words and memories.


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