
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Thankfulness and Patience

July has been a flurry of family visits, crisp winter mornings and beautiful warm sunny days. Bright colours are never too hard to find whether amongst the local birdlife, garden or relaxing sunsets.

Work on the new bridge for our town is well underway, adding a new interest to my walks over the old existing bent, double decker bridge. 

Hand sewing continues to be my choice of creative activity. I'm still enjoying stitching blocks for my Ice Cream Soda quilt, especially now that I have finally decided on how I'd like to join them together into a quilt. My long term hand stitching Fresh Fields quilt also saw some progress - the joys of having more available time during school holidays.  :)

My husband's health has continued to decline :( and my laptop is currently away being repaired after it unexpected stopped working over a week ago. Thankfully my laptop was able to be restored and should be returned in the next couple of days. I've been rather amazed at how much I can do using my phone alone (and very grateful that I had my photos from Instagram on it) and for the use of one of our teenagers' laptops to compose this blogpost. 

"To be content doesn't mean you don't desire more, it means you're thankful for what you have and patient for what's to come." Tony Gaskins. That seems to be a pretty good definition to me :) 

* If you hover your mouse/cursor over the photos above, some will have text details to accompany. 
*** You can read more details about most of these photos on my Instagram feed which I add to several times a week. You don't have to join Instagram to view either - just click on the little blue square camera logo under my blog profile (top right hand corner). 


  1. Lindas fotos , trabalhos e desejo o melhor para a saúde de teu marido! Fiquem bem! bjs, chica

  2. Your photos are full of peace entwined with hope.

  3. Phones are a miracle, aren't they?! We can do so much now with just the touch from our hands. Not only are you talented with your stitches, you are talented with your photographs. Bravo!

  4. All so pretty! (Sorry to hear about your husband's health)

  5. Love the use of fussy cut images on your hand stitched blocks. I hope your husband takes a turn for the better soon.

  6. I always find a sense of peace and tranquility in your photos. You capture such beauty in our ever-changing world. Thank you for finding the time to post. I'm so sorry to hear the news of your husband's health. I hope that his decline is only a small blip and that he will improve once again in the near future. Make the most of every day and one never knows what tomorrow will bring.

  7. Great bird shot in the first picture.


  8. prayers my friend~ your quilting blocks are magnificent
    May your husband have courage and strength with healing

  9. Thanks for posting such beautiful photos. I always enjoy what you share. I'm sorry to hear your husband is not doing well. Peace and prayers to all of you.

  10. Karen, your photos are wonderful, and I am so glad that you are able to be here in spite of your computer breaking down. I hope it gets back to you soon.

    Sending prayers for strength and a change in your husband's health.

  11. Hello Karen,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's health. But, I do sense a lot of positive thinking and hope through your stories and photography. I sincerely wish you and your family all the best.

  12. Hello Ingrid,

    Thank you for your thoughtful comment, you have perceived well our attitude to moving along this journey of life.


  13. Gosh you are having a trying time but you are so positive. You are an inspiration. Beautiful photos and the quilt patterns are lovely.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words Diane. Appreciating the good things in each day and making something with my hands helps me stay positive.

  14. An amazing Post with lovely captures of Nature. Get well to your husband ❤️

    1. Thank you Erica. We are also hoping, praying and waiting for my husband's health to improve.

      Karen 💚😊

  15. So much loveliness in your photos. Sometimes I find we need to search out the pretty in our lives, so we remember it is there. I am sorry to hear about your husband's health, it must be a worrying time for you. Are you going to keep your ice cream soda quilt when it is completed? How many blocks have you made for it?

    Take care and thanks for brightening my day with your photos.

  16. What a visual treat! Your quilts are exquisite (I passed this on to a couple of quilting friends of mine) and it was a delight to see your lorikeet again.

    Praying for your husband, and for you, to our Loving Father.


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