
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Winter's End

As our winter draws to a close, so our sport seasons change also. Final games of hockey are being played (Miss O and Miss G) and the winter training camps for cricket will soon culminate in trials and then on to State Country Championships for those selected.

Our winter has been relatively mild and dry. Many local property holders are busy burning off excess ground cover as a preventative measure before the bush fire danger period.

Hand sewing continues to be my pleasant time filler when waiting for appointments or between each day's needful activities, and once more at night to wind down as I wait for all in the house to become quiet, allowing for sleep.

Our local homeschool group has enjoyed a set of art workshops run by one of the mums who is a trained art teacher. It's wonderful to be able to learn from each other and share our passions. Very grateful for those parents who organise activities for our group - so many options this year that we choose carefully those which ones to participate in each term.

Personal updates: My husband's health has slightly improved  :)
My mother had a few days in hospital over the last week, a pacemaker has been fitted and other issues are being investigated.
A close family friend, younger than me, lost her DIY husband suddenly in an accident at home this week. Very sad.

* If you hover your mouse/cursor over each of the photos above, text details to accompany will become visible. 
*** You can read more details about most of these photos on my Instagram feed which I add to several times a week. You don't have to join Instagram to view either - just click on the little blue square camera logo under my blog profile (top right hand corner). 


  1. The year is passing too quickly. Our Summer will be ending soon and Autumn will be on its way. As our days get shorter yours will lengthen and all the wonderful flowers will be blooming in your garden once again. It is interesting to see how your families talents are developing and what a brilliant job you have done when it comes to home schooling. Good to hear that your husband's health is showing signs of improvement.

  2. Good to hear your husband is a little better. Exciting times ahead in cricket for your girls. I hope you have a great Spring and summer. We are hoping to be in Grafton at Jacaranda time.

  3. O tempo estΓ‘ voando! Lindas fotos e adorei tua filha pintando e desenhando. Teus trabalhos sempre lindos! Fico feliz pela melhora, ainda que leve, do teu marido..
    Que fiquem todos bem! bjs, chica

  4. I am not sure where our summer (your winter) went. This season seemed to begin and end in the blink of an eye. I think that's what happens as I get older. :-)

    I am SO very glad that your husband's health is improving, Karen, but so sorry about the passing of your friend's husband.

    I wish you a restful weekend, my friend.

  5. I'm glad to read your husband's health is improving. Your quilting always brings joy to my of these days I would like to try it. We too deal with health challenges for the youngest and oldest in our family. Your spring....our fall here....I love our opposite seasons!

  6. Really lovely photos. Your English paper piecing is stunning!

  7. I have missed you dear Karen. It has been a feast to my eyes and my heart to be here today.
    I can so relate to your sewing every day, especially at the wind down. I find myself doing the same in some form of handwork. Pleased your husband has had a good report, and I love the daughter's artwork. Charlotte loves to do the same sort of art work.
    All the things you shared are well done.


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