
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Love Always

"Would you like me to make you a quilt?" I tentatively asked Jess who was newly engaged to our eldest son. 
"Sure, if you'd like to that would be great," she replied.

This was mid December and we created a shared Pinterest board for Jess to pin quilt images which  captured something of what she might like. I tried to figure out some common designs and colour themes from Jess's pins. On her next visit in January we briefly discussed ideas and I gathered an armful of fabrics from my collection/stash which I thought she might like - mostly organic and with a nature theme. Jess loved nearly all the fabrics so that night she spread them out on our dining table, arranging them from most liked to less likely. I snapped a quick phone photo to refer back to.

We both agreed that this queen size quilt wouldn't be complete by their wedding day in early February but hopefully by our mid-year winter. Jess is a maker/crafter/sewer/knitter and knew time would be needed.

After much thought, and auditioning of fabrics and ideas, the design elements began to slowly come together. By early April I was sewing completed sections together. The completed top was ready for basting by 7th of April. Jess and Jose were due to visit us over the Easter weekend, a week later, and I was desperately hoping to have it quilted, bound and ready to gift them. I had begun the machine quilting when on April 10th I dislocated my right shoulder. :( At the time I had no idea of the very long, slow road to recovery ahead, but I did know that this quilt was not going to finished in a matter of days as hoped.

Six weeks later I was finally up to gingerly recommencing the machine quilting. With my initial deadline well gone, and Jess and Jose unlikely to visit again immediately, I took my time to enjoy adding more and varied quilting, both by machine and by hand. I had really wanted to add some hand quilting love and the time delay had meant this was now possible.

At last it was complete and a quilt label stitched and attached. The next morning it was gently wrapped in leftover solid fabric and tied with selvedges, ready to gift later that day, July 2nd. I wrote a quick note on the back of a favourite photo I had taken at their wedding (which I discovered is also one of Jess's favourite wedding photos too). I believe the quilt is well loved and keeping Jess and Jose warm in their much colder tablelands hometown. Love Always!

Update - Jess has just let me know they 'Absolutely love it, staying cosy every night.' Now that's a wonderful reward. :)

Sharing at the Blogger's Quilt Festival: Fall 2017 Edition at Amy's Creative Side.

*** You may enjoy my Instagram feed which I add to several times a week. You don't have to join Instagram to view either - just click on the little blue square camera logo under my blog profile (top right hand corner). 



  1. Cores e tecidos bem escolhidos a cada pedacinho! LINDO trabalho! Parabéns! bjs, chica

  2. Очень красивое одеяло! и такое приятное сочетание цвета!

  3. What a labor of love! It will be much enjoyed and loved for years to come. It is lovely.

    I do hope your shoulder is all better now.

    Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

  4. I do love all the different types of quilting in this! Fantastic results!

  5. A beautiful quilt with a beautiful story! :)

  6. How lovely to read the story to go with your quilt. It looks wonderful and is such a special gift.

  7. Beautiful quilt! It looks so great on the bed!

  8. Such a wonderful quilt made with great love. I am sure it will be treasured.

  9. It is truly wonderful, and such a first for you! The collaboration with Jess must have been a fun way to "get acquainted", sewing/fabric wise. All the love in all the details will surely make this a life treasure for your son and his wife!

  10. Beautiful quilt. Love the love story behind the making of it.

  11. What a beautiful quilt that will be treasures for years to come.

  12. Karen, so thrilled you posted with beautiful and detailed photos of this quilt you made for your son and daughter-in-law.

    It just so happened that I was in a quilt store today while Charlotte was in Algebra class. I am getting closer to beginning a quilt...I feel it in my bones! Question, do you use already cut quilt squares/pieces or cut your own? (Perhaps it changes from quilt to quilt.) The owner of the quilt store was of course wanting to sell the already cut pieces, but I have so much fabric I have been storing for my future quilt.

    Your quilts are all eye- pleasing and inspiring.

  13. Thank you Cathy - you are a great encourager!

    I have only ever made one quilt with precut fabric and you can read about that here -
    It has proved to be quite popular and someone has even written a tutorial to make an almost identical quilt (she idid ask permission first - it’s free, a regular blog post).

    All of my other quilts I have cut myself from fabrics I have collected using the rule of buying fabric I love. I also prewash my fabrics to allow for shrinkage, check for colour fastens and remove excess chemicals (especially for non organic fabric). I have only ever followed a quilt pattern twice so I’m often working things out as I go and using fabric I have on hand or perhaps purchased with that particular quilt in mind. I love matching fabrics and design and enjoying the process along the way. I usually don’t even know how large I will make a quilt when I begin. I just keep going until I’ve had enough and then decide what size would be useful - often continuing until I then have enough pieces/blocks. I hope this makes sense… Some people are more comfortable following a pattern. Choose a quilt project/idea not too ambitious to begin with and enjoy the journey.


  14. What a wonderfully beautiful happy quilt. I know if it were mine, I would walk by it with a smile on my face every time.

  15. So beautiful Karen, I am sure this will be much loved and cherished. I love all the fabrics and your quilting is of course beautiful. What a beautiful gift to receive.

  16. This is an absolutely beautiful quilt, Karen! I love the colours that Jess chose and how well you put them together! The grey and white are such a wonderful contrast to the blues and greens!

  17. Love the quilt and the story behind it! Hope you are fully mended now x

  18. Thank you Joanne! My shoulder is mostly restored but the full extent of movement is not yet possible.

  19. It’s absolutely stunning, my favourite for sure!
    A perfect bonding exercise... ;-)
    Good luck with healing your shoulder.

  20. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful, made with such love. It will be an heirloom. I know I treasure the two I have from you xxx

  21. Gorgeous! I love the quilt and the tory!

  22. Not only is this a beautiful work of art, Karen, but what a treasure for Jess and Jose!!
    Thank you so much for sharing the story behind it.
    You can see all of the love that went into making it.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  23. It's a lovely, lovely quilt. So glad you were able to make this {and finish it} for your son and daughter-in-law! I find it very difficult to make especially for people, but you did a fantastic job!

  24. I love this quilt so much, it's definitely a design that is after my own heart. Jess and you did an absolutely wonderful job putting this quilt together and she and your son are so lucky to receive such a gift of love. The fabrics are wonderful. This is definitely a quilt I'm going to remember from the Festival.

  25. I am so glad you shared this quilt for the festival. It is such a work of love and is beautiful.

  26. A beautiful quilt! I love the colours, the setting, and your wonderful quilting! Oh, and wonderful quilt pics too!

  27. That is truly a quilt of love with all the love and time you put into it, with her choices to make it special, and doing it despite your injury. I love seeing other row Quilts, because they are all unique.

  28. What a beautiful devotion, this quilt will surely be loved to bits


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