
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Making Sense of the Pieces

It's been five months since I last shared -

 "Closure and adventure - endings and new beginnings. We have visited many beaches within an hours drive during August's wonderful winter days, saying goodbyes and seeking hellos...."

Over these months we have said many goodbyes and are finding our hellos. Farewell to my in-law's home (after the huge task of emptying and preparing it for market), which is now safely in the hands of wonderful new owners. 

Following weeks of diligent searching we found a new home which in many ways appears to be tailor made to our needs, particularly in regards to its location. A season of further packing and moving overlapped with preparing our old home for sale. Our large, gracious old home near the river sold very quickly (we accepted an offer the day after it was first advertised). Then there was the final packing, cleaning, moving and donating excess furniture and possessions prior to property settlement last week. Now another family is busily creating memories there.

So much has happened in the 13 months since my mil's sudden passing. We can look back on this season of challenge and change and see God's hand upon circumstances, answered prayer and decisions. 

Our new home is less than an hour's drive from our previous town and only a few minutes drive to a larger regional city. More importantly, we are a 10 minute pleasant walk from the beach, a beach which is beautiful for walking but too dangerous for swimming. My husband's one request was a home where he could walk to the beach, especially as he is now medically retired. The climate is blissfully milder too!

One of our daughters has stayed behind in our previous town. Our younger son heads off to uni in another regional city in a few weeks while I am still homeschooling our youngest three daughters.

You can see much more of the last five months on my Instagram account -  you don't have to join Instagram to view - just click on the little blue square camera logo under my blog profile (top right hand corner). However I wanted to place an update here on my blog to help make sense of all the pieces.

I've swapped river sunsets for ocean sunrises and we are finding our feet one week at a time. Will I keep blogging? I hope so. Instagram is definitely a regular sharing place as the commotion of the last 13 months settles and we begin discover our new normal.


  1. A vida nos surpreende com suas mudanças... Umas boas, outras não! Gostei que estás perto da praia e logo,desejo, te organizes e retornes ao blog. Te acompanho sempre no INSTAGRAM! bjs praianos, chica

  2. What a heavy time you have had and hope you will now come back in stiller waters. Love all the pictures but especially the low viewpoint with the pebbles on the beach. A prizewinner in my eyes. The best for you and your family in your new home.

  3. Hello. Actually, a lot has happened in your life when you were not on the bloo. I think the change has gone better and you live in the place you dreamed of. I would also like to live in such a place. Great ocean views, I love them. Nice to look at your family in the picture. Greetings .

  4. So good to see and read this blog post. What a lot has gone on in your life. I love the photo of your family. I pray that your husband's retirement will be a time of peace and healing for the both of you. I hope you will post some pics of your new place.

    As always your quilting is absolutely beautiful.

    Enjoy all that God is blessing you with.

    Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

  5. So many changes...they sound like good ones. Thank you so much for sharing! Your thoughtful appreciative approach to your life is always uplifting, accompanied as it is by your gorgeous photos! Many blessings to you and your family as you make and enjoy your new home!

  6. Karen, it's so nice to "see" you here again. You've endured so much change, but your photos show a beautiful transition to another lovely area. What a great family portrait!

  7. Thank you S.C. - it has been a very full 13 months, so grateful for the assistance of my children, especially my three teenagers. Very much looking forward to stiller waters. That beach-with-pebbles photo is a favourite of mine too.


  8. Dearest Karen,
    You have been missed. Such lovely photos and updates of your life. Doesn't get any easier, does it? Thank you for taking the time to share and just know you are appreciated whenever you get the time for your blog. Cheers dear lady.

  9. Thank you Giga. We are very pleased with all the changes, it is an excellent place to live and the family love it too. One of our children who lives in Sydney has said our home is now a real holiday destination - I think she will be keen to visit more often now.


  10. Thank you so much Lorraine. My husband is really enjoying our new home and location, and best of all, his health has been improving and his days are more peaceful.


  11. Thank you Sarah!
    They are good changes and ones which should serve us well in the years ahead. Very grateful.


  12. Thank you Barb. Yes, there has been so much change and thousands of decisions along the way. I’m very grateful for the help of our children, especially the teenagers. We have indeed found a very beautiful area to move to, one we didn’t know existed until we started searching.


  13. Dear Deb, thank you for your kind and encouraging words, it's very thoughtful of you.


  14. Whilst I've been following along over at instagram and emails it's wonderful to see it all recapped here. Wow what a year! and now a whole new one to explore xxx
    Your photos are simply stunning.

    Wishing Master T all the best at Uni xxx

  15. Thanks Erin,

    It certainly has been quite a year - very different to the one we had imagined. Throw in our homeschool registration visit, twins 21st, Jose’s graduation and every day life - it has been a very full time, mentally, emotionally and physically. Looking forward to a quieter year this year, however no doubt it will contain many challenges and surprises too.

    Karen :)

  16. You sure have had a hectic time but it sounds like its all coming together nicely now. The photos are beautiful and so to your family. I hope you keep blogging even now and then like me.

  17. Your new home and area looks wonderful. If we were to move, I would be hoping to be close to the beach also! I can't believe how grown up your youngest children are looking!

  18. So great to have the chance to stop by and see a little update on your blog. I have not blogged for awhile but just now thinking of how much I miss it. May start again. Glad that your move has been a good one and also to hear that your husband is medically retired. Takes the stress off of trying to work when your body says no. Bet your family is really all growing up1Best to you, Jeanne


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