
Sunday, September 29, 2013


J playfully photographing Miss E at the Botanic Garden

Blue-faced Honeyeater in Silky Oak tree at church

Kangaroo and joey at church

M on the Japanese bridge at the Botanic Garden

M gave a beautiful message to the church ladies based on Esther

J and M at church after today's service

We have been so blessed to have J and M staying with us these last eleven days. Master J and my husband are currently driving them back to the airport in our next state for this evening's flight. Such a wonderful time of fellowship, sharing, and enjoying a little more of each other's cultures. We, individually and as a church, have been greatly encouraged and J and M have had a time of rest and refreshing also. Their presence and words have added many good things to our lives which will far outlast their short visit. We will miss them - until next time we meet, either here in Australia or over in Bihar, India.

And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, 
so that by always having enough of everything, 
you may share abundantly in every good work.
                                           2 Corinthians 9:8 (Shared by J today)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Looking, Looking.....

J and M looking at a peppercorn vine, native to South India where they were born

Satin Bowerbird nest - decorated by the male in blues!

Satin Bowerbird

Three-veined Hakea

Yesterday we had a wonderful day out in our closest larger city with our Indian friends. A visit to the Botanic Garden was even better than anticipated. I could easily spend a whole day roaming this extensive garden, soaking up the natural surrounds and taking photos. I had never seen a Satin Bowerbird before, an Australian native bird happily living in this garden. There was so much to explore - and ever more pleasant than the noisy, busy nearby shopping centres.....Unfortunately my husband has spent the last two days in bed, unwell, missing out on these great times.

We have thoroughly enjoyed listening to J speaking, he is so inspiring. The Indian food M made for Sunday's India night at church was sensational. It is a very special time. More opportunities to listen to J and M over the coming few days before they head back to north India late Sunday.

And yes, I snuck in another sunset walk Monday night too.


Sharing at Skywatch Friday.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Being Open

Our Ned Kelly Grevillea is beginning to flower - taken early this morning

Our Indian visitors have arrived safely. Days and nights are filled with comings and goings, in good ways. Each day they have been sharing at schools or with church groups.

J spoke of many wonderful things at today's morning service - just a few of his words below. 

God sends us to hard places we may not feel ready for. 
All things are possible with God for those who believe.
Don't expect God to work in a certain way, be open to God and His ways.

I smell curry - J's wife, M, and Miss E (21)  are busy in the kitchen, tonight we have an Indian dinner at church and more sharing. I must go and help some more......

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

India Visiting

Memories of India come flooding back. Many of you will remember my Husband, Miss E (21), and three others from our small church, visited special friends in India last November. You can follow their travels and adventures by clicking on "India" in my labels' cloud on the right. For the best background post on our relationship with "J" and India click here.

Four years ago J and his beautiful wife M came to Australia and stayed with us for two weeks.

Our children have surely grown since then (but this unposed photo is still one of my all-time favourites).

We enjoyed fellowship, food, ideas and much more. J and M shared several times with our church and loved the rural location and wild kangaroos!

Tomorrow night J and M will be arriving from India to stay in our home and share with our community once more. Their visit will be a little shorter this time but the inspirational impact of their visit will be no less. We feel very blessed to have known J for 25 years and feel honoured to have them stay in our home again. There may be less time for blogging - but you will know why.


November 2012, India visit

Sunday, September 15, 2013


 Hippeastrums/Amaryllis from this evening's walk   :)

Accessing God's grace through faith.
Have faith in God, don't resist God's will, he wants to GIVE.
Speak to your problems/mountains, don't let them speak to you.
We can change the environment of our heart: 
deal with unbelief; have right motives; be persuaded God's love is FOR us.
We need to believe and fully receive his blessings.
Pondering faith and receiving....

Thoughts from our pastor's message today based on Mark 11:22-24.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pieces of Spring

Early spring mornings invite one to step outside and enjoy the sunshine. Jobs, chores, play or in Mast J's case, off to school for just a few weeks more.

Another bird now adds it song to the many winged singers. A tiny migratory Australian Scarlet Honeyeater is proclaiming his territory in our street with a surprisingly loud call. I could hardly believe such a distinct and loud song could come from his tiny body.

Master T turned 14 this week. Our second son, 5th child (and my third natural breech birth). He is 21 months younger than our twins but is now taller than them. He made an amazing sponge cake and a piƱata for all to enjoy.

The twins had their second hockey grand final of the season this afternoon. Their AR1 women's team won 3:1 with Miss G scoring the first goal and Miss N being awarded "Player of the Grand Final". A wonderful finale to their hockey season. They are currently on their way to another town 5 hours away for a long day of cricket tomorrow, they love their sport!

An even bigger week next week - more about that soon.....

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Witnessing Miracles

















 For over a week the golden wiggling chrysalis has remained attached to our front gate. Early this morning we were fortunate enough to witnessed a miracle happen. Photos # 3 to # 8  were taken within two minutes (and 10 seconds). This beautiful Australian Black Jezebel Butterfly stayed for over two hours to adjust to its final metamorphosis.  

This gave me time to gaze in wonder at its intricacies, to appreciate the miracle and be grateful. It made me feel strangely plain and underdressed. Jezebel then flew off to enjoy being the butterfly it was created to be. 

Sharing at Weekly Top Shot.