
Friday, February 28, 2014

All Things Nice

The countdown and preparations have kept us all well aware that another birthday was almost upon us. This happy focus has helped us adjust to the recent departure of our eldest two for uni. More to share soon....

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Minute Catchers

Just a minute here and there, and soon the little piles start to grow. Glue basting my one inch hexagons is a great activity for those spare minutes between tasks or when the mind just needs to idle a while with the hands busy, or even when the light isn't good enough to work those fine stitches needed to sew the hexies together.

Above are my minimal supplies which work so well for me. I have found that a small flat lid from a plastic food container is the perfect platform for glue basting. As I quickly glide the hexagon paper and fabric over the rim of the lid it becomes so easy to flip the fabric over onto the glue-lined paper.

I use a pin to help tuck the last corner neatly under which is then secured with one final dot of glue.

Carefully packed together into a snack sized ziplock bag, they make the perfect mobile kit to slip in my compact handbag. While out and away from home I have found the small plastic lid makes a great mini table to work from, even on my lap. The same lid offers some stability to the mini kit once stowed away in the ziplock bag.

Only two flowers have been completed Fresh Fields quilt over the last two very busy weeks but my eyes delight in the gorgeous stacks of fabric hexies which have steadily grown over the same time, evidence of minutes captured here and there.

Sharing at WIP Wednesday, In Hand EEP.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Backyard Ecosystems

Backyard Ecosystems was the study topic yesterday afternoon. The children borrowed my camera to capture their discoveries. I was there too, busy answering questions and weeding the garden. However when I looked at my camera this evening, I seems they had enjoyed studying each other even more!

Now that last one made me laugh! We certainly have some interesting specimens in our backyard!

Monday, February 24, 2014

"I Can Do"

To live successful lives, we must have the firm belief, "it can be done", both in our physical and spiritual lives.

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength" Philippians 4:13

"I can do." This is the declaration of faith.
When you think something is possible, you will be able to see the course of action to take.

                              From Unleashing the Power of Faith, by Dr Yonggi Cho

Somehow I always come home from holidays with a greater sense of "I Can Do" and how wonderful it is. 
Are you like that too?

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Life Moves On

Miss E immediately behind and holding tight to Master J

Unlike the rest of our family, my favourite theme park of the three we visited on holidays was Sea World. All of these photos were from our second day at Sea World - details of our first day can be found here

To be able to watch and in some cases, touch, a wide range of sea life was very special. Sea World appeals to a wide range of ages and interests including rides and activities for the more adventurous too. I could have lingered longer at several of the animal exhibits, enjoying access to sections of nature which are not part of my everyday experience.

A moonlight beach walk with my husband was a beautiful treat on our last evening. We rarely have a chance to walk and talk alone.

Thank you for following along on our holiday adventures, I have enjoyed sorting through our photos and encapsulating some of our experiences. 

We have been home just over a week now and life certainly has moved on. Our eldest two have "left home" to begin new adventures at their respective universities, my husband has spent the week back at work and homeschool lessons have filled our thoughts and time at home. We are slowly finding a new normal for our family routines, already looking forward to being a complete family again at Easter.

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Which was the Favourite?

Was it the Green Lantern coaster which threw you upside down and round and round?

 Was it the Wild West action show with drama and costumes and loud gunshots?

Six of us, including myself in this one, early in the morning.

Seven in this one the afternoon - more in the next "boat".

Or the Wild West Falls Adventure Ride where everyone was tossed and splashed (you can just see the top of Miss E's head in the front).

Maybe it was the Batman drama and the noisy Batmobile?

Or the Batwing Spaceshot which shot up straight up then down so quickly? 
Which was the favourite?

Was it the Looney Tunes Carousel, the Fun Zone or the Bumper Cars?

See these nine of mine? MOVIE WORLD was the favourite theme park of the three we visited recently on Queensland's Gold Coast for each of these adventurers but which ride/activity was the best?

Each one told me the roller coasters were the highlight of Movie World. But which one???

It was the Superman Escape roller coaster which was the favourite of all - except for Miss E who was a little too small.

Those smiles said it all.

But what did I like most - apart from the delight of seeing everyone enjoy themselves???
Well that's a story for another day    :)

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday.