Friday, August 12, 2011

Caught The Bug!

The children have caught the photography bug! I'm so pleased it's proved to be contagious! On today's walk they were snapping everything, even the water down the drain. They find new things I totally miss.

Here's a look at a few of the (other) beauties I found on our walk.

A variety of bottlebrush (callistemon), an Australian native.

Better than drain water in my opinion.....


Sharing at Macro Friday,  Photo Story Friday and Macro Flowers Saturday.


Jill said...

Lovely flowers! I really like the picture of your kids taking pictures. :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots! Love the fact that they are photographing down the drain.

Valerie said...

Gorgeous photos. Better to start early learning to photograph and the enthusiasm. V

Kate said...

Beautiful pictures!

In our sea of love

Linda said...

These are great!!
I have always loved observing children and seeing what they see - terrific!

Rosie@leavesnbloom said...

It's great observing kids and what they see that we overlook. Lovely macros aswell.

Carletta said...

Better than drain water, but not to a kid! :)
Lovely images! I love that next to last shot with the lime green center.
Carletta's Caputures

Nayana said...

in my opinion r funny:)

Anonymous said...

The flowers are beautiful, but all the kids capturing -- priceless!

Junelle Jacobsen said...

Love! I have a little one that has taken after my photo loves, too. It is so amazing to see what he sees that I often walk right past. His pictures of me are priceless, too, how he sees me!

Your beautiful blooms are so unique~ love the wild one at the end. I thought it was a hollyhock!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures.Greetings Andrzej. said...

Oh I am five year old, the youngest, also has the picture taking bug, caught because of all the cell phone pics and cameras that have recorded him since his birth.

They got some wonderful pictures...I love the one of them all taking pictures...enjoy, they grow so fast, I only have one young one left.

Cheryl said...

Beautiful flowers and great macros.

That last one looks like fireworks exploding out of the plant.

Maia said...

Much better, these are gorgeous macros and flowers.
Still it's a good thing that they got the bug. It really is a bug and addictive.

Modern Mom said...

Looks like fun! The flowers are gorgeous.

My entry.

Rosie Gan said...

The flowers you found appear lovelier thanks to your photographic skills!

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