Monday, August 15, 2011

Perfectly Pink

8 am - deliciously fresh
Join me again as we watch the last of my hourly photos, tracing the opening and closing of our fascinating everlasting daisies. Scroll down and enjoy!

9 am

10 am - like fingers infolding

11 am

12 noon - I LOVE this!

1 pm

2 pm

3 pm

4 pm

5 pm

6 pm

7 pm

8 pm - goodnight!

7 am the next morning

This particular flower is the little sister of the flower we followed over a time frame of seven weeks (there is also much more information about these amazing Australian native flowers in the link too).

If you enjoyed this, you will LOVE watching the similar hourly transformation of a yellow baby daisy bud which appears to change from a tulip-like form, to a daisy then closing to resemble a magical waterlily by evening.

Thank you for letting me share these with you.

Sharing at The Creative ExchangeCommunal GlobalGood Life Wednesday, Texture Thursday,
Weekend Flowers (voted equal second)Pink Saturday.


Seraphinas Phantasie said...

What a wonderful little "film". Beautiful in color and form. Great shots ! Have a nice day !

Raindrops and Daisies said...

What a beautiful set of photos.

I really enjoyed them.


Nadege, said...

Wonderful image set. I love the 12pm shot, look like a pinwheel, but the first shot is my favorite.

Marianne said...

A good idea to take a photo of the flower to too different time of day one sees, how the light changes the blossom.
Looks wonderful, I may.

Warmly ♥ Marianne

ElisabethAndrée said...

Fantastic idea! Great shots!

Lisa Gordon said...

What a wonderful series this is! I LOVE the 12 p.m. shot. It is not very often at all that we get to see something such as this, and I thank you truly for giving me the opportunity.

Thank you also for sharing this today at The Creative Exchange.

Have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

i loved all of them, what a beautiful series of shots! i never thought to do something like this, it is truly fabulous!

Rosemary Aubut said...

How absolutely wonderful! Great set of photos!

joco said...

My kind of picture :-)

Pat said...

Wonderful series! Each stage is lovely. said...

no words to say.... its awesome, the pic perfect...really a treat for our eyes...

Gail Dixon said...

So fascinating! I enjoyed the transformation. Thanks for sharing and taking time to document it!

Reena said...

such a remarkable flower and so beautiful!
Love how you captured it throughout the day.

Lisa said...

I think this is the most beautiful things I've seen this week! Your captures are stunning. And your patience is amazing!

Linda said...

Beautiful post for the Creative Exchange!! :)

A Creative Grace said...

Wow! they're all great! A really good idea to, well done, have a great week :)

Seeing Each Day said...

Hmmm - which one is my favourite pick, challenging choice as usual.... 6pm.

Rug Cleaning Los Angeles said...

These are so pretty. I love your idea of showing the flower throughout the day at it's various stages... so unique and wondrous.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a great idea... the time capsule effect. Neat!

Tamar SB said...

That is so amazing!! And the flower is just stunning!!

Samson said...

stunning photos of a beautiful flower

Keetha Broyles said...

Just gorgeous!

Unknown said...

How amazing set. I love the first shots with water drop and the shape of flowers is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this amazing transformation.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful display! Great to see this gem throughout its day.

Kate Fredrickson said...

That is amazing! Thank you for sharing!

Kate @

Pieni Lintu said...

Lovely!!! ♥

Anonymous said...

Extraordinary time line series & great captures! =)

Katie said...

This is so cool!!! I never thought a flower would change so much in one hour.

Leesha said...

How cool! You have to be pretty dedicated to get out there to capture all that! kudos to you!

Jama said...

Wow!so pretty!

Tina´s PicStory said...

I like how you made this serie! :) This flower is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing with Weekendflowers! :) LG Tina

Karin M. said...

Wow ....... this is another fantastic series ... your photos are sooooo great .....
I'm smitten .... Thank you .......
LG: Karin

Joyful said...

That was great and so pretty too!

abeachcottage said...

Beautiful shots as always, glad you added your link to BC Good Life Wednesdays :)

SquirrelQueen said...

A stunning series of shots. I love your time lapse photos.

Bethe77 said...

That was amazing and so much fun! Great photos.

Sunray Gardens said...

Beautiful photos and blooms. I am following from the hop, would love you to stop by and follow.
Cher Sunray Gardens

Anonymous said...

New follower from hop. Come on by and follow if you will.
Ohio Outdoors

poppilinnstudios said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Happy Pink Saturday!

Light and Voices said...

Flowers opening and closing by the hour is an amazing photographic treat.
Joyce M

Laura said...

Awe inspiring series...Wow!!!

Lynn said...

Wow. The time lapse series was beautiful. I am off now to check out the daisy series. Blessings.

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