Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer's Coming!

You can feel the warmth in the air, see the haze in the sky and the new growth beginning in many of the plants. Summer is on its way, ready of not. The children love summer and can't wait. They look forward to  cooling off and playing in our backyard pool.

 Four of our children play cricket all through our long hot spring-summer eagerly anticipating each training session and game. They have worn a permanent dirt track through our back lawn where they run and practice bowling to their bat-wielding siblings (they have begun practicing already).

Spring and summer also mean family holidays at the grandparents who live by the sea. Lots of swimming, fishing and beach play.

Add to this Christmas, our 6 week long annual school holidays plus 9 out of 10 of our family birthdays fall through spring and summer and I guess there's much for the children to look forward to. Personally I'm not so keen on summer for the downsides of the above happenings and the long hot humid days and nights, yet each season has its own joys and pleasures to be savoured and lived fully. Do you have a favourite season?

Sharing at Live Every Moment: Summer.


Emily said...

My favourite season is Summer, but I imagine it is a lot less hot where I live! Also, it usually rains, so when Summer comes along, I try to soak up as much sun as I possibly can. :)

Reena said...

OH, and ours will soon be going .... sigh!

Nadege, said...

I love Autumn. It seems less windy than Spring and I love the way the leaves change their colors.
Great image set.

Roan said...

I remember the excitement I felt when the first sign of spring appeared. We had a long hard winter, lots of ice and snow. Unfortunately, our summer has been hotter than normal. I hope yours is milder. Happy spring to you.

Hootin Anni said...

Each and every ONE of these photos are so precious. I enjoyed viewing them, very much so. [secretly tho, I'm longing for winter about's been terribly hot here]

Happy Friday to you.


One Photo said...

Lovely photos. I hope if summer is coming your way that means it might be leaving us soon :-)

EMily said...

Great photos! I usually love summer the best, but it's been so blasted hot, I might have to reconsider and say Autumn with the cooler temps and the changing colors of the trees. Have a great daY!

Anonymous said...

What fun photos. Love that last one.

Tara said...

love that first picture!

Seeing Each Day said...

It certainly felt like summer just this week gone. Love the shot of your cricketers!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

These kids are going to grow up and play against NZ.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

They would love to Ann!

MomLaur said...

Great summer fun! (visiting from LEM)

KT said...

Fall is my favorite season... and I dread winter due to the snow...and summer due to the heat... this summer has been especially HOT! I hope your summer is cooler than ours has been...

Cathy said...

Summer is my most favorite season. And we will be leaving summer just as you are coming into it...good thought.

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