2 pm |
We are three weeks into autumn now yet each day the passionfruit vine opens more flowers, many of which begin to set fruit. As
I have shared before, the flowers spring open within a few minutes, making it difficult to catch happening.
This afternoon I noticed two flowers had sprung open already while I was searching under some nearby zinnia leaves for ladybugs. I was hoping to witness the wonder of another passionfruit flower opening before their season was finished. Looking around I found this bud above as a promising prospect so decided to stay and watch it a few minutes - I'm pleased I did.
54 seconds later |
20 seconds more |
11 seconds later |
9 seconds more |
54 seconds later |
Just 4 seconds later |
A total of 2 minutes 32 seconds from the first photo above to the last! That's 152 seconds. By morning the flower will be shrivelling and mostly closed. God's handiwork is awesome!
So did I find any ladybugs??? You'll have to come back soon to find out......
To wygląda, jak na filmie, gdzie w przyspieszonym tempie pokazują rozwój kwiatu. Niesamowite ! Wspaniale to pokazałaś na zdjęciach. Pozdrawiam wiosennie, bo u nas dzisiaj się zaczęła.*** It looks like a movie, where in an accelerated development of the flower show. Incredible! It's great you showed in the pictures. With best wishes.
magnificent series of photos, you just made my day beyond lovely! God's creation is indeed awesome and yes I will come back to check on any ladybugs :-)
Passion flowers are amazing and you were so lucky to be able to witness the event with your camera, fabulous photos.
Amazing! I had no idea they opened up that quickly and then don't last very long. They're beautiful flowers!
Absolutely amazing! This would be neat to see in a video.
absolutely amazing! greetings :)
Wonderful, beautiful - a joy to see. I have taken heart from what you said about macro photography and have started practising, thank you.
Amazing serie of images.
Well done!
Superb, beautiful series as always! Your macro shots never fail to amaze me! Have a lovely evening!
And we are heading into spring, a very early one too. Last year we had snow into early April, but today it is HOT! These photos are stunning!
Excellent Images!
Wunderbar festgehalten und super Fotos!!
LG Mathilda
Must be fantastic to watch the birth of this flower. Beautiful flower.
gr. Marijke
I fully agree, beautiful pictures!
Best regards, Marion
Incrivel, bela e perfeita a natureza.
Gostei da sequência de fotos.
and to be there to catch the glimpse... that is the gift from our Father's hand
So glad He put you three together... the flower, camera, and you!
Wow .... those are amazing shots,
magnificent observation, a lovely flower ...
Greeting Karin
Wooow, amazing and magnificent. Impressed :0)
This was wonderful! Such perfect timing! I know you were happy to catch it just before it opened!
Wonderful series, it is a spectacular flower and amazing that it opens so quickly.
magnificent pics!!!
Well done Karen. A clever series of photos of the passionfruit flower opening. - Dave
These look amazing.. :)
That's amazing! Absolutely beautiful!
This post makes me think that we should all slow down a little and take more notice of our surroundings. It doesn't take long to see something wonderful :) Thanks for sharing.
You watched a miracle - so glad you took the time. Sometimes waiting and watching are so satisfying. What fabulous shots! Thank you!
God's handiwork certainly is amazing! So much beauty and wonder.
That's all it takes to see nature's miracle unfolding... glad you were there to witness.
I so enjoy these series entries. That's amazing in terms of the time span.
Exceptionally beautiful series. Loved the opening of the petals. Cheers, ruby
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