Thursday, March 8, 2012

Morning and Evening

In this morning's early light the flowers open so fresh and new. Above is a paw paw flower, below an everlasting or straw daisy beginning to open again.


Miss E busy creating "people and aliens".

Miss N assisting Miss E to collect today's mail.

Miss E delights in  "reading" the mail to me.

More of today's garden treasures.

Returning from last night's walk the almost-full-moon came through between the clouds.

I trust you can find some beauty each morning and evening too......

Sharing at This or That Thursday, SkyWatch Friday.


Kaipiroska said...

Beautiful pastel colors on the flowers. And what a beautiful little girl you have there :)

Sylvia K said...

Lovely flowers, beautiful children, a breathtaking moon and delightful captures of all! Doesn't get any better than that, Karen. Hope your week is going well!!


Nadege, said...

Amazing moon shot and a delightful post.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Exquisite images. Have a delightful day.

Reena said...


Pradeepa said...

Breathtaking images!

geanina said...

lovely flowers! fantastic shots :)

Joop Zand said...

Fantastic pictures with lovely colors.

greetings, Joop

Mathilda said...

Danke für die wundervollen Fotos ♥

LG Mathilda

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What lovely pics... and you caught the moon so beautifully. Here it was hazy as the sky was a bit overcast... I like that look too.

Wishing you the best kind of day....

Your blog always makes me feel like I've been somewhere Eden-like!

FilipBlog said...

Very different topics and all good pictures. Love the moon.


Unknown said...

those moon photos are gorgeous!

mariondejong said...

Beautiful macro shots again, but also the moon is super! What was the shutter time?
Always enjoy the pictures of the kids,
best regards, marion

Judy said...

Your photos always make me smile :)

leanne can blog said...

Beautiful photos, love that moon shot- I had a go at a full moon last night too, a full moon is so beautiful isn't it?

laveta'splace said...

You always have such beautiful flowers and that is an awsome moon shot. So clear. I always enjoy coming by your place.

Unknown said...

Beautiful images!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Wonderful macro photographs.

Regards and best wishes

Connie Smiley said...

So sweet, so gorgeous, so peaceful. Thank you!

eileeninmd said...

The flowers are gorgeous and the little ones are cute. I love your moon shots, well done! Happy skywatching!

Annemor said...

Such lovely pctures of the moon.
Best whishes

Susan said...

Amazing shots! And that moon...WOW!

Giga said...

Piękne zdjęcia makro wszystkiego : kwiatów, pajączka i księżyca. Twoja córka nie wyczyta Ci wszystkiego, zostawi Tobie coś do przeczytania
:-). Pozdrawiam serdecznie. *** Beautiful macro shot of everything: flowers, spider, and the moon. Your daughter does not read of you all, will leave you something to read
:-). Best regards.

Rena said...

Many of these pics deserve a compliment but I'll choose the moon ones.Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! I LOVE the moon, it was shining into our g'daughter's room a couple nights ago. I love it when I can see the moon from my bed!

Unknown said...

These photos are so amazing. I always love to stop by and see your beautiful shots..

Hugs, inda

Deanna said...

Oh such beauty in the flowers, children & the heavenly sky with that gorgeous moon. Well done!!

Anonymous said...

All wonderful photos...especially that moon. It was fabulous last night.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wow, I love the little girl, the flowers with the soft light, and the big ole beautiful moon.

msdewberry said...

I was looking at the same moon last night marvelling at its beauty and thinking I should take a photo or two of it! Your flowers are beautiful and some so different from flowers here. Your little one is a cutey!!

Karen said...

Lovely captures. The moon is fabulous!

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful pictures, all a treat!

A Colorful World said...

I am always so blown away by your photos! I love the softness of the flowers in the morning light, and the macro close-ups! Wow! And little Miss E is so cute!

Georgianna said...

This is so lovely! I'm looking out at the full moon right now. I always marvel that it's the same no matter where in the world you see it from. Thank you for sharing your day and your sweet girl. – g

LadyFi said...

Amazing shots! Love that huge pink flower!

hawknitr13 said...

your flower pics are gorgeous! i also browsed some of your past quilt posts --- colors against the white are striking!!

Ashley Sisk said...

These floral shots are so beautiful - really love the second one.

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

Loved that everlasting flower head - I used to grow those years ago as annuals and then used them in craft projects.

Kim, USA said...

Wow such an amazing photos.


Dave said...

A nice selection of subjects Karen. I'm still in doubt about that spider though. - Dave

Monika Kinner-Whalen (MySweetPrairie) said...

ooooooooooh I love the spider in the purple! : )))

Liz said...

A wonderful series Karen! I love that little spider and the shots of Miss E helping out :)

Dew said...

Wonderful and excellent shots!

deb duty said...

Stunning shots! The pink and white flower is my favorite.

2BPhotog said...

Once again, you've captured some awe inspiring pictures. BTW...beautiful moon picture. :)

Ocean Soul said...

Your moon shots turned out fabulously! Much clearer than mine! Your Lumix and your use of it is blowing me away!

Anonymous said...

Your full moon is stunning, I have been watching it here for some time, not sure whether I would be able to catch it nicely.
Have a lovely day!

Isabelle said...

Happy to be back and to discover all those amazing photos. It's such a beautiful world! Thank you Karen :)

Lisa said...

Your children are so beautiful.
Lovely moments caught and shared . Thank you.
I love your photography

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