Friday, December 21, 2012

By God's Grace

Have you even tried to complete a puzzle when you don't even know what the finished product will look like?

Poinciana trees

No matter which way you look at it, the picture isn't clear.

Yet as you work with the piece which is in your hands, making the next step, the pieces begin to come together.

Sections here and there make sense......

 However the distance is still a mystery.

My 85 year old father-in-love has been cared for at home in a wheel chair for five long years. My mother-in-love and community nurses have assisted him every day until he now requires mechanical lifters and care beyond which can be provided at home. The search for suitable care has been long and difficult and no vacancies exist, yet by God's grace all is coming together in ways we could not have dared hope for.

It appears as though God has been walking with us and ahead of us through this stressful time in ways we don't deserve and don't yet fully understand. The puzzle is far from complete but we now sense it will all be ok. My father-in-love will move from hospital into temporary care in our preferred aged care centre on Christmas Eve. It has been a rather busy week. We continue to work with the next piece......

UPDATE: On Christmas Eve I was able to welcome my father-in-love into his new home, a wonderful aged care centre in our town. Each room has just one bed and it's own ensuite. He was very pleased to leave hospital and settle peacefully into his own permanent room. God has been very good to us.

* The trees in the avenue featured above are a type of small leafed fig tree, most likely around 80 years old. Photos were taken early one misty morning a few weeks ago.


Valerie said...

A great post of very atmospheric images. When I first saw the thumbnail shot on my blog page, I thought it was a pair of car headlights coming through the fog! Your images are perfectly suited to describe the circumstances you've been dealing with. Isn't it comforting to know that God is right there with us, leading the way and opening up opportunities when we least expect it? Wishing you a greatly blessed Christmas.

Aritha V. said...

Thanks for this hearttouching blog! God's ways are so wonderful! He is with us in all our ups and downs. Even as it is dark or foggy in our lives He wants to be our Light to to lighten our life. Let us follow Him, wherever He takes us.

Big hug, you Dutch friend.

tabulyogang said...

Aw, everything will work out fine. Isnt it wonderful when you can sense that God is at work? :) Blessings to you and your family. And love, love, love.

Jeanne said...

IT IS so amazing how you can be struggling along to try to solve a problem, sometimes thinking it is really your responsibility to solve, and all along God has the problem solved, often in ways that you could not have imagined. So glad that this puzzle is getting worked out, and will keep you in my prayers. Have a wonder ful Christmas. Oh and your photos are totally amazing, as are these trees!

Lynette said...

Praise be for this piece of care needs opening up. The photos of that center look extremely appealing. What a lovely deck!

Cristina Ferreira said...

A neblina dá uma beleza especial nas fotografias.


Rosemary said...

I am so pleased for you all that things are being resolved happily for your mother and father-in-love.

Cinzia said...

Foto mistiche...meravigliose...

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Beautiful reflective zdjęcia.Ta beautiful avenue is a wonderful gift from God.
Something so beautiful I have not seen. Thanks to you I can see a wonderful nature.
For Christmas, I wish you God's blessing, health, love, happiness ...
I send greetings.

s.c said...

Great atmospheric foggy landscapes. Beautiful pictures. Love them.

Astridka said...

I like it, pictures ans your thougts. Merry Christmas to you. Astrid

Pere Jobal said...

I love photos with fog ;-) Merry Christmas

geanina said...

wow!! fain, fain!

Magia da Inês said...

As fotos são lindas.
Tudo vai ficar bem.

º° ✿✿¸.•♪
"O segredo do Natal está dentro da gente, reflita e viva-o intensamente."

(⁀‵⁀,) ✫✫✫
.•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫✫✫ MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Boa sexta-feira!
Bom fim de semana!
Beijinhos do Brasil.

Debbie said...

really gorgeous fog, spectacular trees!! these are really special images!!

Rosemary said...

You've chosen the perfect pictures to accompany this post. The fog, the age of the trees, the road and journey... Wishing you the best.

mariondejong said...

Beautiful blog, both images and the text. Very happy for the whole family.
Best regards, Marion

Vision By Mila said...

that's great! so mystique..

Joyful said...

Love the photos!

It is at times like this that we really know how God is walking with us and helping us.

I pray the pieces come together quickly and beautifully for you all and that your FIL is well settled in a new home.

God bless you all and give you a beautiful Christmas.

Charlotte Wilson said...

Love your hazy and mysterious shots.
And I loved this post. Thank you for sharing your feelings about a difficult situation. I am glad that God is taking care of everything.



HappyK said...

All the trees in your photos are absolutely beautiful!!
Beautiful words too!!

Giga said...

Twój świat nie jest już tak zamglony, jak na zdjęciach, bo Tata będzie już niedługo blisko Was i mgły się rozeszły. Pozdrawiam.
Your world is not as hazy as the pictures, because Dad will soon be close to you and the mist parted. Yours.

FilipBlog said...

Beautiful how you play with the light. The fog is rather dangerous for driving.


flowersandhome said...

Gorgeous mysterious pictures. So glad things are coming together for your parents-in-love.

Nancy said...

Beautiful photos again...I love the avenue with the very old trees. It's a place to dream for sure. Glad all is working out for your family; we are looking at placing our mom in a place after Christmas (she is 85.) These kinds of transitions are always difficult. Praying peace on your journey. Blessings to you and yours this Christmas!

LisaS said...

Lovely mist!

Juliana said...

amazing grace...

xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject

Pat said...

Gorgeous photos! Moving words. Thanks

Lori P said...

It's good to see your comfort, knowing that it will work out. You just have to follow along and have the faith and trust. All my best.

Dave said...

Best wishes for your "father in love" Karen. I hope it all works out well for him - Dave

Liz said...

Beautiful images and such wonderful words!
I'm so glad you have found a place for them and so close to your home.

Anita Johnson said...

What amazing photos...what a faithful God!

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