Sunday, December 9, 2012

Preparing and Receiving

As we began preparing our home for Christmas this week I have been pondering the heart preparations also.

"Be careful HOW you hear," our pastor shared today.

"What did Jesus marvel at? He marvelled both at people's faith and also their unbelief. Which do you want him to marvel at in your life?" our pastor challenged us.

"What are you saying in your life? Don't block God's blessings by your words or thoughts. Read and hear what God is saying to you, it's about connecting with the presence of Jesus." Amen.

"It's by grace, receive because of His grace (for none of us deserve it). Think in faith." I am both challenged and encouraged to walk my days this way, preparing AND receiving.


magnolia0joaska said...

I love Christmas and I always look forward to it!
Your Christmas decorations are lovely :)
Have a great Sunday :D

joy said...

Touching pictures and awakening words. Thanks

geanina said...

Great images! :)

Giga said...

Miło widzieć Twoje dzieci przy ubieraniu choinki. Słowa proboszcza są dla mnie bliskie. Pozdrawiam.
Nice to see your kids dressing the Christmas tree. Word priest close to me. Yours.

Cinzia said...

Anche nel tuo blog si comincia a respirare l'aria natalizia...
Buona domenica a tutta la tua bella e gioiosa famiglia!

marmarel said...

Thank you for writing this. I recognize these things and want to remember why He came to earth and want to receive his grace.

Magia da Inês said...

Passei para uma visitinha.
O Natal é uma data muito especial, onde renascem as esperanças e os sonhos de paz dentro dos corações.

Bom domingo!
Boa semana!

Beth said...

I love those pictures.

BlueShell said...

Beautiful words and thoughts...
marvelous, touching! I say: you are and your family are blessed.
Praise the Lord.
Love, BShell(Isabel)

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful pictures of your lovely daughters, beautiful words to match and that, Karen, is true beauty for the day. Thank you for sharing. Hope you've had a lovely weekend

Georgianna said...

What a lovely, thought provoking post. And the girls are exquisite and such beautiful souls. Wishing you and your sweet family a joyous and festive Christmas and Bright New Year filled with happiness!


Unknown said...

Some things to think on leading into Christmas!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Beautiful. Beautiful post.

Seeing Each Day said...

What a wonderful powerful chord you struck in me when I read your words from you sermon "Be careful HOW you hear". So, SO true. I remember last year, give or take a month, this space was being worked on and painted. Lovely to see the tree going up.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful post. And such happy photos. Now you got me thinking..


s.c said...

For me it is very stunning to see preparations for christmas in hot summer weather. So different from here in the cold north from europe. But it is a nice reportage and I like to see it.

Rosemary Aubut said...

Beautiful images and thought provoking words! Great post!

A Colorful World said...

Preparing our hearts for the presence of Jesus means more even today than it ever did. I feel His coming is near. Yet, His first coming is something we should rejoice in with every breath! So many forget this...or don't understand it in the first place.....our need for Him is very real, and He is there with open arms!

Pere Jobal said...

Nice Christmas decorations! :)

HappyK said...

Great words from Sunday's sermon.
I am ever thankful to Jesus for his gift of eternal life. : )

Rick said...

A good message for us to ponder as we scurry around preparing the 'perfect' Christmas. Much better food for thought (and deed) than anything we could prepare. Thanks for sharing.

Doug Hickok said...

Now this is great team work... amazing how quickly the tree goes up and decorated when you have help :^)

Juliana said...

)) so nice collection of photos!
wonderful spirit of Christmas !

Have a great week!

xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject

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