Friday, September 16, 2011

Little Surprises

I don't know about you, but I LOVE little surprises (and big ones too). Each morning I delight in grabbing my camera and strolling around our yard, checking in on all my regular favourites and new additions. Some changes are eagerly anticipated and followed for months.

Then occasionally there is a total surprise awaiting my discovery. Yesterday this was the beautifully poised, still dewy, unexpected joy I stumbled upon. These African Iris flowers tend to appear so quickly and last just one day. So beautiful, small and delicate.

Sharing at Weekend Flowers: Macro, Macro Friday, Macro Flowers Saturday, Flowers on Saturday.


Lisa Gordon said...

What a gorgeous flower this is, and your photographs of it are just magical!

Jill said...

Three cheers for surprises! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Wow - so very beautiful!

geanina said...

Wow...I'm glad for you! Great surprises!:)

Sivinden said...

A lovely flower!

Ashley Sisk said...

I don't generally like surprises but this one is fabulous!

Victoria said...

Very nice pictures!

Karin M. said...

Great pictures .... soooo nice ... very good work ....
LG: Karin

FilipBlog said...

Very sharp and close shots again.


Tina´s PicStory said...

Very lovely. Thanks for sharing this great shot with Weekend Flowers :)

mariondejong said...

Lovely flower, lovely surprise, lovely picture!
best regards,

Carletta said...

Love the light in the first one!
We all need a surprise a day. :)

A Creative Grace said...

beautiful images, I love seeing what's turned up, opened or happened over night too :)

Kim, USA said...

Very beautiful flowers. And I like the color too. ^_^

Pink or Peach

Anonymous said...

These are magnificent! You are blessed!

Unknown said...

How incredibly exquisite. I love these shots. I am just being overwhelmed by all of the gorgeous flowers tonight. STUNNING!

Nadege, said...

Gorgeous captures. Just planted a new one in my garden, but it so small I may have to wait a while before I can see flowers as lovely as these.

Joyful said...

Stunning capture. Fantastic macros.

Maia said...

Very beautiful and delicate your iris flower and these photos are breathtaking.

Marius Barbu said...

Nice flower, nice colors, nice photos!

Cecilia Artista said...

Beautiful flower!
Great shots!

deb duty said...

These are so beautiful! Wow!

Modern Mom said...

Lovely shots!

Basil Flowers

Cheryl said...

Simply gorgeous.

Tezzie said...

That's so pretty...I've never seen ones like that!

forgetmenot said...

What a lovely "surprise" to find in your garden. That's the problem with those "here and gone" flowers--if you miss a day in your garden, you miss the flowers. Glad you "caught" this one. Mickie :)

SquirrelQueen said...

That is a gorgeous little bloom, too bad they don't last longer. Great macro shots!

Rosie Gan said...

As exotic as a wild tropical orchid.Great shot!

Rosie Gan said...

As exotic as a wild tropical orchid.Great shot!

Lisa said...

This is just gorgeous .

maiylah said...

awwww, they are gorgeous! thank you for sharing them with us. :)

Pia said...

What a wonderful surprise! What a wonderful flower. And I love this shots!

Liebe Grüße,

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