Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cute Little Frogs

While the children were mowing the lawn (again) yesterday, they came across three little green tree frogs on the grass. They are delighted to rescue and relocate them to a safe spot in the garden. We had seen some similar ones at church the day before too.

Yesterday Master J found one much smaller, about the size of his finger nail while waiting for his school bus.

Our tadpoles are being eagerly watched and fed with hopes they will soon become little green tree frogs too and not ugly brown ones which also live in the area.

This morning I spotted this "shadow" on a leaf this little cutie below was the cause.

We all quite like these little green frogs, which is a good thing as we may be seeing many more in the near future!

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.


LadyFi said...

What delightful frog pictures!

About your question: yes, traditional wooden houses are painted in that red colour, which once upon a time, was made out of iron ore...

Sylvia K said...

These are absolutely delightful captures!! I do love those little green guys! The next to last shot is just like being introduced to that little green guy! Wonderful!! Thanks for sharing!


Kala said...

Fabulous images of this tiny adorable frog!

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous photos! Love the cute little frogs!

geanina said...

the little frog! love it....

Isabelle said...

So precious! Have a beautiful day :)

Nadege, said...

They are so cute.

Giga said...

Och, ale chciałabym mieć takie żabki w ogródku. Są śliczne , jak i Twoje zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam. *** Oh, but I would like to have the frog in the garden. They are beautiful and your photos. Yours.

tinajo said...

Aww - so sweet little frogs! :-)

ally said...

beautiful shots
a prince at every turn
I had to rescue a small brown one from the kitties this week - we don't see any really here so I relocated it well away :-)

Rosanna Maisch said...

woow, klasse der kleine Frosch, sehr schön..

Liebe Grüsse von Rosanna

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful photos!
Love those little frogs.
Have a great day.
Greetings Mette

Amanda said...

Those green frogs are adorable!! We don't have cute ones like that, ours are all icky, but I still take pics of them anyway! LOL!


Fantastische Fotos, ein kleiner Frosch als Titelheld... sehr sehr schön...

Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz


LindyLouMac said...

The little chaps blend in so well.

Barb said...

Fabulous frog portraits! I loved seeing the little green frogs.

Unknown said...

I just LOVE these photos. What fabulous shots. I just love frogs..

FilipBlog said...

They are indeed cute but probably difficult to spot in the wild.


mariondejong said...

I love these small creatures and also your great pictures of them, superb!
Best regards, marion

Ocean Soul said...

I remember every spring, looking in ponds and puddles for any signs of the tadpoles...we too would collect them and watch them grow...it was so exciting to see their legs form and then, when they were ready, release them down by the river in our backyard. And hearing the night time croaking in the summer...we knew our 'babies' were out there all grown up. Probably one of my first introductions from nature to the cycle of motherhood. Your rescue rangers are doing a fabulous job! And the shadow shot is too cute!

Lanlizzy said...

much oooing and ahhhing whilst viewing you photos this morning, I so love little frogs in the garden.

I came home late one evening recently to find a little brown (not really so ugly) one perched on the decorative moulding of my front door! such a pleasant surprise. Until then we had only heard him. it's lovely to know our gardens are healthy enough for these little beauties to survive in.

Have a beautiful day.
Take care

Kaipiroska said...

Well... your title couldn't be more correct - they really are small and so cute :)

Nona said...

Very cute frogs, especially the one curled up on the leaf. Looks like a pet. :)

Tim said...

Beautiful green frogs! God has created many wonderful creatures. Love the background music and sounds.

Unknown said...

Wow these are so cute, we have waited for tadpoles to turn into frogs before - it takes ages!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh..those are so precious! Love that second to last close up!

Kateri said...

Those are so cute. Quite different from our tree frogs, but so adorable non the less.

Vision By Mila said...

yayks, I couldn't touch a frog :D

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

I'm not so keen on touching them either, but most our children don't mind, especially the little frogs.

Anonymous said...

Your frogs make me smile....They remind me of childhood.
It's not in a busy city that I can see them now, so I enjoyed a lot your lovely photos.
Have a lovely day!

Ruby said...

The frogs are cute and they blend in so well with the leaves. Thanks for sharing them. Cheers, Ruby

thefisherlady said...

I do love frogs! they are indeed part and parcel with your "pieces of contentment"
I will find you my frog favourite things poem one day... they are the beautifully ugly brown ones you talk about :)

laveta'splace said...

What cute little frogs; and so tiny. You are so lucky to have them.

Jana said...

so gorgeous and cute! your pictures are fantastic...can I have one for my garden pls?:-)) thanks for all your nice comments! sunny smiles from tulipland Holland!

Unknown said...

Sometimes I don't even want to leave your blog . . .

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