Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Big Hopes and Dreams

Last week they chose and painted pots. Seeds had been selected. This afternoon they eagerly planted.
You have to sow to reap.
"When will our flowers grow? I want them to grow tomorrow," says Miss E.


Rosemary said...

Look forward to seeing the results of their sowing. It is good for youngsters to learn the delights of growing their own flowers, and watching the young shoots pop through the soil, maturing into who knows what?

Gail Dixon said...

This will be a neat lesson for them and so rewarding I think. They got really creative with the designs on their pots. Miss E is too cute!

Fun60 said...

There is something so satisfying about growing plants from seed. I am sure your children will derive so much pleasure over the coming weeks as they watch their seeds grow.

tinajo said...

That is so sweet - my boys loved to do that too but now they have kind of outgrown it. :-)

flowersandhome said...

So much fun! I wish for loads of flowers to grow from the seeds they sowed.

Rosemary said...

Sowing the seeds for the future, a good lesson in patience :)

Cinzia said...

Attendiamo la loro fioritura...
Buona giornata!

Sylvia K said...

A good lesson in patience it is! And there is always delight in watching something grow, from flowers and veggies, to our pets, and of course, our children!!

akwamaryna said...

Children like to watch, it's a good lesson for them.
Have a good sowing!

rainfield61 said...

but nature tells us there is no short cut.

Marisa said...

Lovely images!

have a beautiful day!

geanina said...

gorgeous images! :)

Michelle said...

Sweet photos! I hope they grow well!

Gillian Olson said...

Very cute, i hope Miss E's flowers all sprout.

Unknown said...

gardening is such fun for little ones!

Deanna said...

It will be so fun for them to watch their seedlings grow. You will have to capture them at all stages.

Jennifer said...

Kids can learn so much from a few packages of seeds and some clay pots.

Doug Hickok said...

Fabulous project! I would love to see the results one day :^)

FilipBlog said...

They will probably grow tomorrow but only be visible in a few weeks.


Unknown said...

How fun.. Way back when I would try to get my daughter to do some planting with me. She just wasn't interested at all.. Can't wait to see your photos of all the pretty flowers..


A Colorful World said...

Ah...the joys and hope of planting in early spring! I wish them the best, your gardeners!

trishie said...

That is so sweet. Hope the plants grow big and strong!

PS: I'm hosting a giveaway at my blog today for Sedwick Studios, hope you enter!

Isabelle said...

To Miss E.
"When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you"... :)

Lisa Gordon said...

Those little hads are just precious, and this is surely one of those things memories are made of.

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