Tuesday, February 4, 2014

More to Come


Early this morning.....

Even the reflection on the glass splashback in the kitchen (above) is beautiful!

Yes, we are taking a family holiday, just before the older two leave home to start uni.

There will be more holiday fun to share over the coming days....


Kim said...

Oh my, one can't get any more gorgeous views than that one of the ocean, and from the kitchen, no less!! What glorious scenery whilst driving to your destination!! Have a fun and wonderful holiday with your family, Karen...soak up all that beautiful sunshine...and the 'to-die-for' views!!

Erin said...

Happy Holiday! What a great idea before the older two go! Will chat when you get home as to details(as I suspect where you are;) our family is talking an extended family holiday in that vicinity next year and I've been struggling to find accommodation for a larger family

Sylvia K said...

Oh, Happy Holiday indeed!! Thanks for sharing the fun, Karen!! Enjoy!!


Jeanne said...

Oh I hope that all of you have an awesome time! What fun, and a time that can't be recreated once your older two are gone to college. Have fun!!!!

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Have fun.

Beth said...

Have a wonderful holiday. The photos are wonderful!

TheChieftess said...

Love your kidlet shot!!!

amanda said...

Good for you all!!
And yes! The reflection on the backsplash is gorgeous. Enjoy!!

Rachaeldaisy said...

Wishing you all lots of holiday fun!!

geanina said...

Have a wonderful holiday! :)

Susan said...

Have a great time Karen! Looking forward to more photographic updates!

Unknown said...

Lovely photos. Number two is so
great- I like the green/blue effect,
in the field and the heaven.

Many warm greetings

Giga said...

Bawcie się wszyscy cudownie i odpoczywajcie. Pozdrawiam.
Have fun with all the wonderful and take your rest. Yours.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What wonderful photos. I always enjoyed going through a tunnel for some reason. They were exciting and a tad scarey and to come out on the other side was always great.

Have a fantastic vacation.


Lisa Gordon said...

Have a wonderful time, and enjoy every moment, Karen!

Seeing Each Day said...

Karen, this is the first chance I've had all week to check in on your photos. But I so wish I had have seen them beforehand - I want to comment on every single one. Such familiar scenery!! But captured so much better than I could have. And that road shot you've taken on the strip bypassing Byron Bay.... oh my goodness Karen, I know that so well, years and years before all the sound barriers were put in. We forewarn the kids about the 'tunnel' you've included and aim to sound as enthusiastic as possible. I could go on and on about your pictures. And what about Miss E on the surfboard on the sand! (that's how I surf too -I find the water just gets in the way). Your accomodation looks rather nice and completely well deserved. I'll be emailing questions soon about the uni situation but for now just wanted to let you know what a bright spot in my day it's been to look at your beautiful shots that I can very well relate to. Hope you are going ok, Renee.

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