Friday, November 4, 2011

Joy in the Unexpected

I had a subject in mind, a mission to accomplish when I went in search with my camera this afternoon....and look what I found instead!

 Thankfully this golden dragonfly hopped and hovered around, not in too much of a hurry to leave our backyard.

So what was my mission? To check up on this surprise poppy from yesterday!

Hope you all have a pleasant weekend, finding beauty in the expected and unexpected.

Sharing at Shoot. Edit. Submit (first photo chosen  in the Top 5), Sneak Peek Friday, Macro Friday, I Heart Macro, Weekly Kodachrome.


Lanlizzy said...

Absolutely gorgeous, your photography is stunning as is your subject matter!! I always love visiting your blog.

Carole M. said...

you ticked all the boxes offering dragonfly and poppy in the same post! Absolutely beautiful nature's bounty portrayed. Love your background music too.


Traurig lässt die Libelle ihre Flügel hängen, sie fühlt den nahen Winter...

Sehr schöne Macros!

Liebe Grüsse vom Hans-Peter

Pieni Lintu said...

So so pretty!!!

Nadege, said...

The dragonflies around here don't seem to want to sit still long enough for me to take a shot at them. Wonderful crisp details on yours.

The petals on that gorgeous poppy, look like tissue paper.

Joop Zand said...

I like these pictures very much..... very well done again.

Greetings, Joop

Anonymous said...

Two fabulous captures. Your macro of the dragonfly is incredible, well done.

Unknown said...

Great photo of the dragonfly, I have often tried to get one but they are usually too quick for me!

s.c said...

You really are a master in marcro shooting, Love it and the dragonfly is a welcome guest there.

Jill said...

These are stunning! I just can't get over the details you are able to capture.

May said...

Wow, a pink poppy???

Snap Dragon Photography said...

Enjoyed this series. Shows what patience and stealth you have to photograph a dragonfly. Keep them coming! -K

Stewart M said...

Hi - Cup Day was good! Although I did have to spend too long in a car coming home!

Very nice dragonfly!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Absolutely gorgeous...thanks for starting my day with some beautiful eyey candy!

geanina said...

:) gourgeuos photos !

Serendipity is Sweet said...

Such gorgeous details! LOVE your photos ;)

Gone Country said...

Great shots of the dragonfly! There is so much detail in the wings it amazes me how creative God is!

Pretty flower too!

Kim said...

The poppy is so pretty, but that dragonfly is just spectacular! What a great capture.

Nayana said...

wow..great capture because they sure do fly faster:)

Ashley Sisk said...

That first shot is awesome - love the detail!

Neha@ All things beautiful said...

Your shots are stunning!

Unknown said...

Stunning dragonfly.
And, I love poppies!

Tobias Mann said...

These are increadible shots, especially the detail captured in each. Where are you shooting? To still have such greenery.

Jenni C's said...

your dragonfly is stunning!!!!!

Connie Smiley said...

These are amazing! I love that first dragonfly, poised for action.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Now that's truly a glimpse of the beautiful.. heaven on earth....

I love coming to visit!

Best to you......

FilipBlog said...

I am surprised how sharp the image of the wings is.


Karin M. said...

Das sind großartige Macros...die Flügel der Libelle sind so zart und fein...und die Mohnblüte hat eine so schöne Farbe...perfekte Aufnahmen...
LG: Karin

Giga said...

A u nas już ważki nie fruwają i nie kwitną maki, dlatego też z wielką przyjemnością oglądałam je u Ciebie. Pozdrawiam

Marijke said...

Must be wonderfull having so much time making beautiful photo's like you do. Gougeous.
Have a beautiful weekend.
gr. marijke

Helma said...

What an amazing beautiful pictures of the dragonfly. also your flower pictures below are truly magnificent.

Greetings, Helma

Unknown said...

Pretty darn amazing my friend. I love seeing dragonflies. And you have captured it perfectly.. And your poppy is posing pretty for you!!

Hugs, Linda

Gemel said...

A divine mission indeed.

Liz said...

Very great indeed.

Angelgirlpj said...

Oh my goodness how cool. I think I will need to grab my camera and take a walk tomorrow afternoon, it's supposed to be nice.

thefisherlady said...

sigh... that looks like my garden two months ago... oh such simple intricate beauty from our Father's good hand!
I'll soon be counting snowflakes all in their beauty :)

forgetmenot said...

Amazing macro of the dragonfly. And, that poppy is so soft, delicate and "delicious" looking--lovely!! Have a nice weekend. Mickie :)

Liz said...

What an amazing capture of a dragonfly! I have yet to capture one myself.
And the Poppy is just divine!!

Wonder said...

thanks for sharing this "happy"! so beaUtiful. Praise the Lord for amazing creation :)

bohemiannie! art said...

wow..past wow!

T... said...

simply stunning...wonderful capture of the dragonfly and what a wonderful poppy, never have I seen that colour.....

Tracey Leeder said...

What a gorgeous dragonfly. He was a wonderful find. That poppy shot or shots is so beautiful. Beautiful shade, I love it..

Annette said...

Magnificent capture of the dragonfly! And a beautiful poppy too!

Grandma Deal said...

I've never seen a golden dragonfly. Very beautiful Photography.

Sharyl said...

I can see why you were after the poppy. It is truly lovely. But what a wonderful surprise the dragonfly...and how thoughtful of it to sit still a moment so you could snap a couple of photos for our viewing pleasure! Glad you went out at just the right time!

Tanya said...

Your dragonfly photos are amazing! The detail you were able to capture just blows me away.

CraftyHope said...

Such delicacy in both of your shots; the dragonfly wings as well as the flower petals are quite inspiring. Thanks for sharing them with us!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Oh I just love that delicate pink poppy! I hope to find pink to plant around here too! And the wings on that amazing creature... they are just spectacular! Beautiful post!!

kim said...

The dragonfly is amazing. We have had swarms before and I love standing and watching them. Your flowers remind us here that spring will come again....we just have to get through the snow!

EMily said...

Those are great dragonfly shots! and what a welcome 'surprise'!

Teachinfourth said...

That top shot is absolutely amazing...I can't get over the detail. Wonderfully done!

kareninkenai said...

Visiting from "I Heart Macro" - you have a beautiful Blog; amazing images and photography composition. Your love for the art shows through very well. Thank you. kareninkenai

Anonymous said...

amazing macro shot!

Light Trigger: our entry

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